Organizer and Speaker: AU Smart Manufacturing Day
28 Oct 2019 | Nicolás Navarro-Guerrero | ORGANIZATION, SPEAKER, WORKSHOP, OUTREACH,
In this event, industry leaders across Denmark and researchers at Aarhus University will present the latest technological innovations and cutting-edge research results from different aspects of manufacturing. You will also have the opportunity to explore collaborations with other industries and researchers at Aarhus University.
This year’s AU Smart Manufacturing Day will also showcase the recently built AU Makerspace. The AU Makerspace is a state-of-the-art collaborative fabrication space aiming to generate real-world research impact through engagement with Danish industry while preparing students for the growing high-tech skilled job market. We also invite interested industry partners to join us for a discussion on ideas and future initiatives that can help us build a strong industry-academic partnership within the AU Makerspace.